Blue Line Light Rail Stations

38th Street Station Design
steel, glass, concrete pavers, microlam wood
18’H x 20’W x 200’L
Collaboration with MSR Design
The design reflects elements of the bungalow houses of the Longfellow neighborhood community where it is located. The deconstructed elements of the canopy structure evolved from bungalow porches and roofs, with arts/crafts style window treatment for windscreens.
Wirth was the local art administrator for the conceptual design phase of the Minneapolis Light Rail Blue Line (formerly named the Hiawatha Line). She assembled the team of artists to work with the architect teams on 14 stations. She was the design team artist who worked with MSR Architects on the 38th, 46th, and 50th street station conceptual design. Additionally, she designed the glass canopy for the 50th street station. She also served as the artist liaison to oversee design integrity for the art administrator for the design/build stage.

50th Street Station Design
steel, glass, concrete pavers, etched glass canopy
18’H x 20’W x 200’L
Collaboration with MSR Design
Located at Minnehaha Park, a tree theme is reflected in this transparent station. Support beams have abstract tree-like branches and an oak tree image is screened onto the canopy glass to cast shadows on the pavement.
Digital images provided by MSR Design